Hola soy Lana y nací aproximadamente en Julio del 2023. Fui rescatada de la carretera, iba deambulando, sin rumbo, muy cansada, hambrienta y sedienta, en cuanto me saludaron devolví el saludo y, aunque tengo miedo, dicen que soy muy buena y sociable. Dame la oportunidad, ven a conocerme y darme el hogar que merezco para toda la vida, ¡no te arrepentirás!
Hi, I’m Lana and I was born approximately in July 2023. I was rescued from the road, I was wandering, aimlessly, very tired, hungry and thirsty, as soon as they greeted me I greeted back and, although I’m scared, they say I’m very good and sociable. Give me the chance, come to meet me and give me the home I deserve for all my life, you won’t regret it!